Los Angeles Welcomes Stanley Social—A Blue-Chip Event Space
There is no doubt that Los Angeles is overflowing with trendy restaurants, boutiques, and pop-up shops. However, there has yet to be a versatile space where people can come together to dance, drink, eat, and celebrate—that is, until the inception of Stanley Social. The good news? It’s here to stay.
Located on the corner of Sunset and Stanley, Stanley Social is an event space that transcends the typical, boring warehouse spot with its Moroccan atmosphere and eclectic vibe. When you step into Stanley Social, you immediately feel transported to a Moroccan oasis. Excluding vibrancy from all 5,000 square feet, the space is adorned everywhere with colorful tiles, paneling, and a unique infrastructure that holds it all together.
Prior to its revamp, the space had been through a few phases. Decades ago, it began as Dar Maghreb, a place where singles would socialize, dance, and make memories. It has now gracefully transformed into Stanley Social: a flexible yet enchanting event space that still maintains that same authenticity that made it appealing in the first place.
“I think it’s really special that I’m able to bring someone’s past into the present,” Chloe Makhani, operator of Stanley Social, said. “Being able to revamp a special, iconic location is something I was really excited to do.”
It succeeds in bringing a modern twist while simultaneously keeping the ornate Moroccan elements intact, making it perfect for any event from weddings to corporate events to dinner parties. The space has versatility allows clients to do as little or as much to the space as they desire.
An event space with the warmth and charm of a home, Stanley Social combines excellent customer service with elegance to create seamless events for any client.
“It’s not just a big warehouse that you’re throwing a party in,” Chloe told us. “We wanted to add the home-y aspects that make events special and engaging.”
Chloe and the rest of the Stanley Social team pride themselves on eliminating the stress of event-planning by working hand-in-hand with clients, caterers and more to create the seemingly effortless events that they hope will go down in history.
“Person A might not want the same product as person B, and that’s okay because we are determined to design and personalize the event for the client, and for the company,” Chloe said. “That is what makes our event space so different—its versatility.”
So, a multi-faceted event space that feels like paradise and home at the same time? What more are you waiting for? Get social.